Come raggiungerci
Il bed and breakfast Ciurlì si trova a poche centinaia di metri dalla SS 456, in Regione Piano,
appena oltre l'abitato di Visone per chi proviene da Acqui Terme.
Facilmente raggiungibile anche per chi viaggia lungo l'autostrada A26:
uscita Ovada, in direzione di Acqui Terme lungo la SS 456 per circa 16 km.
How to reach us
The Ciurli Bed and Breakfast is located a few hundred meters from the SS 456, in the Piano Region,
just beyond the town of Visone for those coming from Acqui Terme.
Easily accessible even for those traveling along the A26 motorway: Ovada exit, towards Acqui Terme along the SS 456 for about 16 km.
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Do you want to quickly check availability?
Use the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible!